If you are passionate about helping others and want to make a positive difference, considering a career in the criminal justice field may be right for you. Having an educational background and diverse experience behind you can open more doors and expose you to high paying career options that you never thought were possible.
There are Online Public Service Degree Programs such as a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, which will give you the expertise and experience to apply for any of the roles listed below.
A lawyer (or attorney) is responsible for advising and representing clients in court. Whether it’s a private legal matter or before a government agency, a lawyer must communicate effectively with their clients, judges, and anyone else involved in the case. Lawyers are expected to conduct thorough research and assessment of legal problems, as well as interpret laws and rulings for individuals. There are several fields that a lawyer can specialize in, such as civil law, criminal law, and probate law. To work as a lawyer, you will need to complete a 4-year undergraduate degree, as well as attend law school.
Private Investigator
Duties of a private investigator may include investigating commercial piracy, investigating fraud, and surveillance. Private investigators may also be asked to conduct a background check on an employee. To succeed in this role, it’s vital that you have excellent analytical skills and that you are highly detail orientated. Patience is a must in this profession, as well as good communication skills.
Police Officer
Police officers are responsible for enforcing the law for citizens, detecting and preventing crimes, and arresting criminals. While they tend to be viewed as a hero in the local community, you must be prepared to put yourself in dangerous situations to catch criminals. To become a police officer, there are several tests that you must complete, which test your medical state, writing skills, and physical fitness. Police officers work for law enforcement agencies and swear an oath to save and protect the local community they represent.
Forensic Analyst
The key responsibilities of a forensic analyst include assisting crime scene investigators to examine and analyze evidence, conduct field tests at crime scenes, record and document findings, and verify the authenticity of documents. There are several fields that a forensic analyst can specialize in, such as fingerprinting, handwriting, and biochemistry. As a forensic analyst, you will frequently have to testify in court as an expert witness and present your laboratory findings.
Corrections Officer
The primary duty of a corrections officer is to implement rules and keep order within prisons or jails. Correction officers must examine jail or prison facilities to make sure that they adhere to the safety and security standards laid out by the government. Other duties of a corrections officer include transporting inmates, completing reports on inmate behavior, and controlling the prison population.
If your goal is to work in the criminal justice sector, any of the roles listed above can be highly enriching and fulfilling. For those who thrive from helping others and are interested in leadership roles, obtaining the relevant credentials such as a criminal justice degree can help you climb the career ladder.