Seattle Pride hosted its first virtual St!tch & B!tch over the weekend where volunteers gathered virtually for an afternoon of trivia, conversation, and sewing as part of its new Pride is Visible initiative aimed at supporting vulnerable LGBTQIA+ communities such as homeless youth.
To-date the volunteers have sewed more than 350 masks, hats, and mittens which will be donated to ROOTS and YouthCare – two organizations taking care of homeless youth in the Greater Seattle area. Participants are asked to mail their completed items to Seattle Pride by January 26 so they can be packaged and delivered to recipient organizations on January 29. Those interested in signing up to participate can visit seattlepride.org/pride-is-visible.

Volunteers had the opportunity to meet other people in the community and make a difference for those in-need from the comfort and safety of their homes– and they are looking forward to next Saturday’s event. McKenzie Pick of Sequim will be returning for this Saturday’s event, “[The virtual St!tch & B!tch] was wonderful! It was my second event regarding Pride. My first was Seattle Pride day in 2019, and I am excited for next week!”
Net Timoney, who is new to Seattle and residing in the International District, had the opportunity to meet other LGBTQIA+ people in their community and won the trivia contest. They plan to use their prize of two Alaska Airlines tickets to visit family in Florida when it is safe to do so.

The Pride is Visible initiative is a month-long effort in which LGBTQIA+ volunteers and allies are asked to create and donate winter clothing items. Seattle Pride will also match up to $10,000 in total cash donations made to ROOTS and YouthCare throughout the month of January.
“Thanks again to you and your fabulous team for organizing this and for everything else you do for our community,” shared St!tch & B!tch volunteer, Ryan Cline of Queen Anne.

In addition to supporting LGBTQIA+ youth, Seattle Pride announced recipients of its first round of 2021 community grants and sponsorships, which it provides twice annually in support of queer-serving organizations. The organizations receiving grants include C5 Youth Foundation ($5,000), Gay City ($2,000), and Real Rent Duwamish ($2,500). The Duwamish Cultural Center received $5,000 in sponsorship funds providing nearly $15,000 in total to these four nonprofits.