The face of education is exciting, fast paced and forever changing, and being part of it ensures that you can help shape and form future learners, no matter what their age or starting point. To get that dream job in education you are most likely going to have to return to studying yourself, so start by asking yourself:
Where do you want to be?
What job or position do you see yourself in, and where do you want to be in the next few years. Do you want to be a teacher or do you want to hold more of a pastoral role within the education sector. Establishing where you see yourself is beneficial to establishing what studying you will need to undertake.
What training, studying or development is necessary?
Development within the education sector is ongoing and constantly evolving and you should enjoy studying and learning to get the most benefit you can, both in a professional capacity and personal capacity. Training is necessary to land that position in education as are academic qualifications. Suitable qualifications as well as your degree will ensure that you get the dream job you are reaching for. Getting the right qualification to teach others can be done via a well-respected online masters in education UK provider, such as the University of Exeter. You need to use a reputable provider to ensure that you get the best learning and development opportunities you can, and to ensure that your development is in safe hands.
Is experience necessary?
Experience is ideal for a job in education, but it is not always necessary or essential – it depends on what position and role you are going for. The main focus is achieving your qualification. Your qualification will open doors to job opportunities and placements, where you can then gain any important and valuable experience, should it be required.
Working while Studying
Studying online makes working at the same time much easier and provides you with a more flexibility. However, maintaining a job while studying, whether full time or part time, is not going to be easy (although definitely possible). You need to strike a happy and balanced approach when it comes to learning and earning. You will most likely not be able to achieve the correct balance unless you use the support networks around you. From family and friends to work colleagues, it is important that you reach out and seek help or assistance as and when you require it. To successfully earn while learning you need to keep your mental health and wellbeing in check. Do not try and do everything all at once by yourself, this is a recipe for disaster and could potentially lead to you having a mental breakdown, so please put your health and wellbeing first to ensure that you get the most out of your learning experience.
Benefits of Online Learning
Online learning is fantastic as it provides you with flexibility, which ensures that you can get the most out of your learning. With online learning you have options and opportunities to carry on working, as it is much easier to complete an online course or masters, that fits in and around your life as opposed to trying to fit your life around being on site or on campus for a course.
In addition to the flexibility online learning gives you, you also get the luxury of time. Time is one of the most precious resources around and with an online learning course and platform, you get to keep more of your precious time than you would do if you were having to travel or commute to a campus or other location of study.
Online learning can be moulded and fit around your family and life, and it is easier fitting in an hour or two here and there in an evening than trying to fit in an hour or two at a physical location after work.
What is the next stage?
After deciding if online learning is right for you and your circumstances, you need next to go ahead and enrol. There will of course be times when studying will be draining, tiring and overwhelming, but keep in mind what you are working towards and what your ultimate end goal is.
Fitting studying in around your job and family life is essential to ensure you maintain balance. Balance is about achieving what you want to achieve, without burning out. Being emotionally and physically balanced will ensure that you do not end up burning out and potentially having a breakdown. There is no need to try and do it all, so where you can reach out and take advantage of support and help networks around you. Online learning and studying should be a fun and enjoyable experience as well as informative so do not take on too much or try and do it all by yourself. Reach out to family and friends to provide you with any support you require whether this is emotional or physically – support is key to success.
Getting the job
After studying and achieving the qualifications you desire, it is now time to land that dream job you have been working towards. To find your dream job you may need to network. Networking is something you can start while studying and something that may prove valuable further down the line when you are in your new job.
When it comes to winning that job, your resume is going to do most of the hard work. Making sure your resume stands out above the competition is essential. Jobs in education are highly regarded, fought for and competitive, so your resume needs to look and sound its best to get you that interview. As your resume is so important it might be in your best interest to hire a professional to write you up a resume that sells your skill set and personality to potential employers. Once you have a call back for an interview you can start to shine, by discussing and showing your enthusiasm and passion for education.