It is true that all relationships go dull after a certain amount of time. While some couples are able to maintain their romance, others are not so lucky. Thankfully, it is possible to get the romance back, but this will only be possible if both people are willing to remain in the relationship.
Once you decide that it is time to spice up your LGBT relationship, it will be time to start making a few changes inside and outside the bedroom. Below, you will discover a few tips to help kick-start your plan.
Start In The Bedroom
It is not unusual for long-term relationships to be void of sex. When you first met, you probably found it hard to keep your hands to yourself. Now, you rarely even touch your partner unless you accidentally brush by him in the doorway. Believe it or not, some people are fine with living in such a relationship. However, this is not always the case. And, if you do not want to deal with a cheating boyfriend or girlfriend, things will need to change.
Getting your partner in the mood for sex may be as simple investing in a new negligee or a gentle touch on the cheek. Experts have said trying out new kinks, i.e DDLG, puppy play might work. As well as new sex positions. While missionary position is okay for quickies, it just will not work for intense lovemaking. Instead of sticking to one particular position, you can alternate from one to another. For example, you can try the coital alignment technique for a few minutes and then switch to the man chair or loveseat position.
Make Your Feelings Known
Everyone desires to be loved. It is a fact that some people can go through their entire life without experiencing love from another person. This is truly sad, but a well-known fact. A loveless LGBT relationship is a lonely one. If you genuinely love your partner, you should express it. Now, this does not necessarily mean that you need to speak the words out loud every second of the day. Instead, you can let your hands do the talking for you.
A gentle touch on the lower back, cheek or hand will go a long way in letting your partner know how much you love him. The next time your partner is sitting on the sofa watching television, you should join him. Just cuddle right up next to him and do not say a word.
Do Things Together
Some couples never spend any quality time together. This is a huge mistake, because they are missing out on an opportunity to get to know each other better. A great way to add spice to your relationship is spending time together. Now, this does not necessarily mean you have to travel to some foreign company, just to enjoy each other’s company. No, it just means that you need to go for a walk around the block, in a park or woods. This time can be utilized for catching up and getting to know each other better.